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Sanofi-Cell Research outstanding paper award of 2018

Cell Research Editorial Team

Cell Research Editorial Team * Correspondence:

We are pleased to announce winners of the 2018 Sanofi-Cell Research Outstanding Research Article Award: Drs Pan Zheng and Yang Liu, for their back-to-back papers entitled “A reappraisal of CTLA-4 checkpoint blockade in cancer immunotherapy” and “Uncoupling therapeutic from immunotherapy-related adverse effects for safer and effective anti-CTLA-4 antibodies in CTLA4 humanized mice”; Dr Xiao-Fan Wang, for his paper entitled “Switching off IMMP2L signaling drives senescence via simultaneous metabolic alteration and blockage of cell death”; and Drs Jinsong Li, Fuchou Tang and Ming-Han Tong, for their paper entitled “Single-cell RNA-seq uncovers dynamic processes and critical regulators in mouse spermatogenesis”. Each award consists of a prize of €5000 sponsored by Sanofi.

Cell Research (2007) 17:42-49. doi:10.1038/; published online 9 January 2007


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