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Submit Manuscript ISSN: 1001-0602
EISSN: 1748-7838
2020 impact factor 25.617*
(Clarivate Analytics, 2021)
About the cover
The image depicts the Chinese legend "The Magic Brush" ("Shen Bi Ma Liang"). The towering mountain symbolizes the rugged protein fitness landscape, with reaching the summit representing the challenging tasks in protein engineering. Our proposed method, ProMEP, serves as the magic brush, sketching out a rapid path to the peak for biologists. The brush’s handle, adorned with dots, lines, and jewels, signifies the power of artificial intelligence technology driving this journey. See page 630–647 by Peng Cheng et al. for details.
Mechanistic insights of substrate transport and inhibitor binding revealed by high-resolution structures of human norepinephrine transporterRESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS
Synergizing sequence and structure representations to predict protein variantsREVIEW ARTICLE
Coding, or non-coding, that is the questionORIGINAL ARTICLES
Zero-shot prediction of mutation effects with multimodal deep representation learning guides protein engineeringLETTERS TO THE EDITOR
Combination therapy of KRAS G12V mRNA vaccine and pembrolizumab: clinical benefit in patients with advanced solid tumorsCORRIGENDA
Author Correction: Structural and functional evidence that GPR30 is not a direct estrogen receptor